diumenge, 22 de gener del 2012

Arc de Triomf i cúpules del Palau de Justícia

Darrera sortida amb La Colla. Com que un cop ja havía pintat l'arc des de l'altra banda, vaig aprofitar que feia sol per fer aquest contrallum.

Triumph Arch and domes of the Courthouse.
Last outing with La Colla. As once I had already painted the arch from the other side, I took advantage of the sunny day to paint this backlight.
Paper Arches 300gr gra gruixut, mida 27 x 37 cm

divendres, 13 de gener del 2012

Veler al Port Vell de BCN

La sortida d'aquest dimecres amb La Colla va ser a Ciutat Vella però, com que no em venia de gust pintar carrerons i balcons, me'n vaig anar cap al Port Vell i vaig pintar aquest veler.

Sailing ship at Barcelona's Old Port
The outing of last wednesday with La Colla was at the old town but, since I didn't feel like painting narrow streets and balcons, I went to the Old Port where I painted this sailing ship.
paper Arches 300gr, gra gruixut, mida 37x27 cm

diumenge, 8 de gener del 2012

Nadal a Euskadi

Port de Getaria (Paper Saunders High White, gra gruixut, mida 37x55cm) 

Deba : Kardenas Pasealekua
(Paper Saunders High White, gra gruixut, mida 37x55cm) 

Bilbao: Parc de Doña Casilda (apunt ràpid del parc que estava  davant  de l'hotel, fet el dia de Nadal tot esperant  l'hora de dinar)
(Paper Saunders High White, gra gruixut, mida 27x37cm) 
Aquest Nadal m'he passejat per Euskadi. A part de Bilbao i Donosti on ja havia estat varies vegades, coneixia poc la costa que va d'una ciutat a l'altra. Aquestes son les aquarel · les que he pogut fer plein air, però he fet quantitat de fotos i espero fer-ne més a l'estudi.

Christmas at Basque Country
This Christmas holidays I have been wandering around the Basque Country. Apart from Bilbao and San Sebastian, where I had already been several times, I knew little of the coast  between both cities. These are the paintings I could do plein air, but I took lots of pictures and I hope to paint more at the workshop.
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